• Three New Kratom Strains That Impressed Us Right Away

    Since we got acquainted with the herb kratom, Bali has been the most preferred and loved strain. But not anymore. One should not forget that strains are basically the variants of the herb and are determined by on the location of the trees and the color of the leaf veins. Well, coming back to our topic, over time, with the advancement and expansion in Kratom production, vendors have come up with several new strains. Surprisingly, some of these new strains have acquired a special place in Kratom-lovers’ hearts and now they have several thousands of dedicated followers who can’t go without them.

    Any guesses, which kratom strains we are talking about? Don’t worry, we will be revealing the names and tell you why they are so notable. So, stay tuned and read till the end.

    • Gold Kratom

    There has been a big rage revolving around gold kratom. However, no one really knows what strain it is or how it is prepared because the making varies from one manufacturer to the other. For instance, one kratom vendor may be dehydrating it under sunlight while others prefer dehydrator. Krave Botanicals prepare their Gold kratom by combining five different strains together following a special in-house formula giving you a matchless soothing sensation.

    • White Thai Kratom

    From the name itself, you can comprehend several things about the variant. It comes from the lush green jungles of Thailand and the color of its veins is white. The ‘Umbrella’ strain is known to have great soothing effects which have impressed the entire Kratom community. It is all due to its unique biochemical composition.

    • Trainwreck Kratom

    It is probably the latest and the most questionable strain in the list, but people are loving it for some good reasons. It is prepared by combining 11 different kratom strains each having a unique biochemical composition. No doubt, it is a full spectrum variant serving to a bundle of purposes. Though not many people are aware of it, one cannot ignore that it has impressed a huge section of the kratom entusiasts instantly.

    All these kratom strains are competing close in the context of popularity and acceptance in the kratom world. Are you looking forward to trying them? Wondering where to get them? Don’t worry, we have got you covered. Krave Botanicals, one of the leading vendors in the market brings you 100% organic, high quality, and pure kratom products. They offer all these amazingly impressive strains Gold, White Thai and Trainwreck strains both in powder and capsule forms. Apart from these, they have Bali, Maeng Da, Green Malay. Customers get free and discreet shipping on all orders regardless of the order quantity or value. Also, you can order their product sample for only $4.95 each strain before purchasing more!

    Hurry up, don’t trust what others say. It’s time to get a first-hand experience of Krave Kratom Gold, Krave Kratom White Thai, and Krave Kratom Trainwreck and get impressed!

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  • Kratom has won over millions of hearts around the world. It hardly needs any introduction; however, one can call it an herb growing in the tropical jungles of South East Asia and Africa. Kratom products we see, are prepared from the leaves of the kratom plants which are scientifically termed as Mitragyna Speciosa. The plants also have different varieties or strains which depend on two things:

    • Vein color of the leaves.
    • Location of the plants.

    Today, we have numerous strains like Bali, Borneo, Indo, Thai, Malay, Maeng Da and so on. However, there are many more strains that are formulated under the supervision of Kratom manufacturers. Today, we are going to illuminate one such strain that has been recently introduced and in no time, it has created a stir in the Kratom community. It is none other than Trainwreck by Krave Botanicals.


    Trainwreck Kratom Strain

    Krave Botanicals has recently extended their line of products by another stunning strain which they call Trainwreck. Don’t worry, it won’t wreck or crash you, but will give you a world-class experience of a lifetime. After the grand success of Krave Kratom Gold which is an exclusive blend of five different Kratom strains, Krave Botanicals has decided to take a shot with 11 strains in this new strain. Well, they are secretive about the strains’ names that form this new variant, so we can hardly do anything but enjoying Trainwreck and relaxing.

    It is a full spectrum kratom strain which means it got a comprehensive selection of vein colors like red, white and green. It signifies that all the alkaloids will be present there. If you are looking for a versatile kratom strain that will help with many of your requirements, then you must give Trainwreck a try!

    Try Krave Kratom Trainwreck Capsules and Powder

    Within a very short time, Krave Kratom Trainwreck has successfully generated a huge fan-following of its own. Krave Kratom has availed Trainwreck both in capsule and powder forms. Kratom powder is the basis of all the other forms of kratom. All the kratom strain leaves are carefully handpicked, washed, dried and then powdered. Krave Kratom guarantees that all the kratom leaves are treated naturally without utilizing any chemicals to make a 100% pure and chemical-free kratom product.

    Krave Kratom Trainwreck powder comes in three quantity options; 60  grams for $24.99, 120 grams from $39.99 and 250 grams for $69.99. As for the Krave Kratom Trainwreck capsules, they got packs of 30 capsules for $15.99, 75 capsules for $29.99, 150 capsules $49.99, 300 capsules for $69.99, and 500 capsules for $99.99 only. Each capsule contains 500 mg of 100% organic kratom powder encapsulated in gelatine capsule shells.

    That’s not all, Krave Botanicals give you free and discreet shipping on all their orders, i.e. there is no obligation of minimum order value. Just in case, you not sure of this new strain, try ordering the smaller pack and test it yourself first. Then, accordingly, you can order more.

    Order Krave Kratom Trainwreck Now!

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    So, is gold a new strain? From where does it some? Do the veins of gold Kratom leaves shine like gold? These are some of the numerous questions one may be having while hearing about gold Kratom. Well, don’t worry. We, at Krave Botanicals, are here to solve your conclusions and help you understand what it is.

    Kratom Strains

    Let us talk a little about different Kratom Strains before we pour on the gold strain. Kratom has three main strains that are decided by the Colorado of the veins of the leaves from which they are prepared. Some are green, while some got a deep reddish tinge to it and others are whitish. So, based on that we have green, red and white vein kratom strain. So, the question remains unresolved. What’s gold kratom? It is not a naturally born kratom strain but an exclusive creation by the kratom vendors.

    They use different methodologies to prepare it. They may even alter the dehydration duration or treat the leaves differently to their brand’s gold kratom products. So, every kratom vendor has a unique gold kratom formula, and hence all gold kratom brands differ from each other in unique ways. Therefore, one cannot adequately compare all the brands’ gold kratom. However, you can test a vendor’s gold kratom products and assess if it is what you would prefer or not.

    Gold Kratom Powder

    Either the vendor treats the kratom leaves uniquely to create a powder or combines powder of some different strains to prepare an exclusive strain which is gold kratom. Mind it, the strain has already been tried and tested earlier and made sure all the kratom batches are similar in every way. So, there is a consistency maintained.


    Gold Kratom Capsules

    The encapsulated form of kratom powder was developed to meet the kratom lovers’ dynamic requirements. Generally, the kratom powder is taken indefinite quantity and sealed in gelatin or 100% vegan capsule shells. Gold Kratom Capsules are also prepared in the same way – encapsulating the vendor’s exclusive Gold kratom powder in a shell.

    Which One Is Better?

    No doubt, the Gold Kratom Capsules lead in making it effortless for the kratom community to enjoy the kratom. They are amazingly convenient and easy to store. Moreover, work almost instantly. Nevertheless, from a newbie to an extreme fanatic, everyone finds it better than the powder form. However, one cannot ignore the basic fact that the powder is the base product for all the other kratom forms including the pills. Hence, they are both excellent, but capsules are a bit handier.

    No matter, what you prefer capsules or powder if you are looking for a nice Gold Kratom variant try Krave Botanicals’ Gold Kratom Powder and Capsules. It is an exclusive blend of five pure kratom strains each with some unique properties. It is an in-house formula of the vendor and is available in both powder and capsules forms. If you are not sure of the stuff, go ahead check out Krave Kratom Gold Sample for only $4.95 and get started TODAY!

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  • Kratom capsules are made from the leaves of a plant that belongs to the coffee family and grows in the jungles of tropical countries of Southeast Asia and Africa. These plants are scientifically termed as Mitragyna Speciosa, but the entire world prefers to call it Kratom. Kratom plants are found in countries like Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Borneo and so on. There they have a history that expands over thousands of years while the rest of the world was unaware of it. Finally, a few decades back due to the growth of trade and commerce, kratom vendors started to export it to other parts of the world. During that time, people weren’t familiar with kratom products like kratom capsules or powder. That time, kratom was available only in its raw leaf form. But, when shipped to other countries, these kratom leaves rot by the time they reached the journey’s end. Then, the vendors brainstormed and decided to dry the leaves for shipping them. Since then, there is no looking back and kratom now is most popularly available as kratom capsules.

    Making of Kratom Capsules

    The dried kratom leaves are powdered then it is put into 100% vegan gelatine shells to make the kratom capsules. Well, it may sound easy, but it’s not. The leaves are handpicked by a team of professionals who make sure that there is no old bad leave or stem or dirt in it. Then the leaves are organically washed, i.e. with lukewarm water. The most reliable kratom vendors would never add any chemical, scent, color or anything to the leaves, keeping it natural and chemical-free. Even the powder is properly sieved through a fine mesh to ensure the texture is smooth. Finally, the powder is shelled indefinite volume.


    Why Are Kratom Capsules So Popular?

    At first, people didn’t have kratom capsules. They only had kratom powder which was very time-consuming and needs to be prepared. Whereas the kratom capsules are handy, needs no preparation, blends into the bloodstream faster. Therefore, it also works faster.

    Finding the Best Kratom Capsules

    You can find kratom capsules locally but there is no surety that they are genuine. We can tell you how buying kratom from the local smoke shop is a matter of concern. Firstly, many dishonest sellers or intermediaries tarnish the purity kratom by adding the cheap herbal powder into the kratom then encapsulating them. Do you never know if the product you are getting is high-quality or not? But don’t you worry. You can still get the best quality kratom from the genuine kratom manufacturers delivered right at your doorstep. In case you are wondering how to locate a reliable kratom manufacturer, then forget your worries. We just got the best one for you; it’s Krave Botanical. They guarantee that all the products are 100% natural and pure. Plus, they give you free shipping on all your orders. They got samples of all their strains, so you can test the product before investing in a bulk purchase. Each sample contains 10 kratom capsules of the strain you choose. They got Krave Kratom Capsules of  Maeng Da, Bali, Gold, White Thai, Train wreck, and Green Malay.
    If you want to enjoy the BEST KRATOM CAPSULES, go for Krave Kratom Capsules! Order your samples today!

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  • Mitragyna Speciosa is the name of a tropical herb that has won the hearts of thousands around the globe. It got an extensive history that prevailed for several centuries. Probably, you are unable to identify it from its medical name, but it got another name that you may find familiar. It’s kratom that are the leaves of the kratom plants that belong to the coffee family.

    It is found in the South East Asian countries with a tropical climate. For hundreds of years, the herb was well-preserved in those lands. With time, it crossed those boundaries and was transported to other parts of the world. Shipping the herb in raw form was problematic. Hence, the leaves were then dried to extend the shelf life.

    Different Options to Buy Kratom

    Over these years, there has been a steady rise in its popularity that lead to the evolution of the herb leaves into several kinds of kratom products. While people love it, they are also having issues to procure them as these products are not available in regular stores. In this post, we intend to share where you can get it, and which one would be better suitable.

    • Offline Stores. It can be availed from some selected stores like the local smoke shops, special CBD and Kratom selling stores, gas stations and so on.  
    • Online Stores. Thanks to the growth of the internet, nowadays everyone got an online presence so why not the kratom manufacturers? Presently, the manufacturers have their kratom websites online from where you can get your favourite strain directly.

    Those are the places where you can get kratom products. Now, let’s assess which is the best way to buy kratom.

    Best Way to Buy Kratom

    There are both advantages and disadvantages of these sources. Let’s consider what they are:

    • Offline Purchases. You can take the product in hand while buying it from local shops. You may even get great discounts there, but there is no guarantee that it’s pure. Again, detecting authenticity is not easy. Moreover, it is seen that the sellers are not that well-aware of the kratom strain, quality and purity. Not only that, there have been many middlemen between the manufacturers and the sellers who are involved in many deceiving activities. Many mix powders of other herbs to increase the volume so that they can have more profit. Because of this, one cannot be sure if he is getting pure kratom or not.
    • Online Purchases. Luckily, with the online purchase you are connected directly to the manufacturers, so no intermediates sabotaging the purity of the products. Moreover, you know the vendors are well-aware of the variants and their property. Last but not least, reputable vendors are now offering samples of their products at a very nominal price, so the customers can test the product quality before making a bulk purchase.

    To conclude, buying online is more convenient though it might be a little pricey. However, you would be getting the genuine product for sure. You can get it from your local vendor if you are sure that he is providing you with pure kratom.

    In case you need help to locate a reliable vendor, try Krave Kratom! They have five strains – Maeng Da, Bali, Gold, Green Malay and White Thai. Order their sample pack to get started!

    P.S. Krave Kratom gives you free shipping on all your orders.

    Powder Maeng 3

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